
Variables in 'C' : 
  • Variables are used to store a values in a program so that they can be used later. 
  • We can also say variables are names given to memory location which holds some values. 
  • Since 'C' is a compiled language it is strongly typed language meaning is we must declare variable in a program before it's use. 
  • We can assign value to the variable either at a time of declaration or afterwards in a program. 
  • Syntax for variable declaration is :

     data_type variable_name;
      data_type variable_name=value;

  • For example: 
        int a; or int a = 15;
Here we are declaring variable a of type integer indicates that a can hold only integer values.

  • When we declare some variable compiler allocates memory for it and store its value at that location.
  • Let's see program to print value and address of a variable 

int main()
    int num;
    printf("Value of num=%d",num);
    printf("Address of num is %d",&num);
    return 0;


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