Program to accept details of n items (code, name, price) using structure and display the details.

 C File =>

/* Write a C program to accept details of n items (code, name, price) using
structure. Perform the following operations:
a. Display all items having price > ___
b. Search for an item by name.  */

typedef struct item
    int code;
    char name[30];
    float price;
int main()
     struct item p[50];
     int n,i,ch;
     char key_name[30];
     printf("\n Enter how many items? ");
        printf("\n\n Enter item code%d ",i+1);
        printf("\n Enter item name%d",i+1);
        printf("\n Enter price%d",i+1);
          printf("\n\n 1. Display all items having price greater than 250");
          printf("\n 2. Search item\n 3. Exit");
          printf("\nEnter your choice (1-3) : ");
           case 1: printf("\n\n Details of Items are:");
                            printf("\n\n Item code : %d",p[i].code);
                            printf("\n Item name : %s",p[i].name);
                            printf("\n Item price : %f",p[i].price);
             case 2: printf("\n Enter name to search : ");
                              printf("\n\n Details of Item are :");
                              printf("\n Item code : %d ",p[i].code);
                              printf("\n Item name : %s",p[i].name);
                              printf(" \n Item Price : %f",p[i].price);
             case 3: exit(0);
            default : printf("\n Invalid input...");
         return 0;


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