Storage Classes

Storage Classes in 'C' : 
  • Storage classes tells information about storage location for variables, who can access variables, what will be default for it etc. 
  • There are four storage classes in 'C' as follow :
1) auto : 
  • By default storage class for members is auto. 
  • auto keyword is used to declare auto storage class for example auto int age;
  • An auto variables are also called as automatic variables. 
  • They are stored in a computers memory. 
  • Default value for auto variables is unpredictable. 
  • They can be accesses inside the function or block.
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2) register : 
  • Variables having register storage class will get stored into a registers in CPU instead of memory. 
  • register keyword is used to define register storage class. For example register int age;
  • Data from register can be fetched fast as compared to data from memory this is benefit of register storage class. 
  • Default value for register varable is any garbage value. 
  • They get stored in memory of computer.
  • They can be accessed inside a function or block. 

3) extern : 
  • It is used to create global data members so that they can be shared among multiple files. 
  • extern keyword is used to declare them. For example extern int age=45;
  • They can be intialize only once in a original file. 
  • Default value of extern variable is zero. 
  • They get stored in a memory of computer. 
  • They can be accessed in entire file and also in other files where it is declared as extern. 

4) Static : 
  • Static keyword is used to declare static storage class for data members in a program. 
  • Static members can be both local or global dependinb on way how they are declared. 
  • Default value for static variables is zero.  
  • Local static members can be access using local scope where as global static members can be access using global scope. 
  • They get stored in memory of computer. 
  • Important point to note about static variables is they are initialized only once in their lifitime. 
  • They persist or retain their values between function call. 
  • Example : Consider following code
 int main()
   int sum()
       //local static var
        Static int sum = 0;
        printf("sum = %d", sum);
  return 0;

Output :
sum = 1
sum = 2

Note : Since static variables persist their value between function calls we get output 1 first function call and 2 for next function call. 


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